
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Michael Caine is the Man: Harry Brown

When a group of drug-dealing teenagers take over a subway tunnel in the middle of an apartment complex, things take a turn for the worse for all the neighbors. The teen gang harasses the tenants to the point where an old WWII vet can’t take it anymore and decides to fight back. After the old man is murdered and no justice is to be served, his best friend decides to take the law into his own hands, seeking vengeance for the murder of his last friend.

This is no simple task, noting that Harry Brown, played by Michael Caine, is not your average crime fighting police officer. Instead, Harry Brown makes his way around town, figuring out what happened to his old friend Leonard Attwell the night he was murdered. Along the way Brown not only collects more knowledge and insight that the Police failed to acquire, but also an increasingly powerful collection of weapons to help get the answers he needs.

It saddens me to hear that this might by Caine's last leading role, but it is a very solid performance to go out on. The movie was not widely released in the United States due to its low budget, but a very well told story with some interesting cinematic shots thrown in. My favorite sequence of shots happens to be Caine's trip to the hospital and back at the beginning of the movie.

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