
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rockwell's One Man Show: Moon

Sam Bell, played by Sam Rockwell, is stationed on the Moon working with “Lunar,” an energy harvesting company. Bell, on contract for 3 years, is slowly losing his mind towards the end of his stay, so much that he starts to see other people. This gets Bell into trouble as it becomes a distraction to his work and causes him to crash into a harvester. Leaving Bell for dead, Lunar awakens one of Bell’s clones to start his 3 year contract, preventing him from leaving the station until the rescue crew as retrieved the dead body. Unfortunately the “original” Bell is not killed and his new clone goes out to retrieve his injured body. The two then discover that Lunar has been awakening and killing off numerous clones after they have served their contracts, tricking them into believing they will be going home to a wife and three year old daughter. In the end, they plan to travel back to Earth on the rescuers ship and exploit all that Lunar has been doing for the past decade.

A strange movie, but worth seeing. I would imagine it is extremely difficult to act in a movie all by yourself. The only supporting characters Bell has in this movie are his cloned self and a robot named GERTY. It's one of those movies that makes you step back once it is over and question what you thought was real and what might actually be going on outside of your everyday life.

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